Friday, August 8, 2014

Transferring My Blog

I've decided to transfer my blog from Tumblr to Blogger because first of all Tumblr is blocked at my school and it was challenging last year to blog at least 1x/week when I wasn't able to log on during school hours.  So if you missed any previous posts you can see them at the Tumblr account. I'm hoping  this year I can blog at least 2x/month because 1x/week was difficult for me last year. I started off strong but I guess having a baby, making sure I was meeting my students' needs and working on National Boards were my first priorities, but no excuses this year!

I have a feeling that this year I will have a ton to blog about because even though I've taken some time off this summer to just enjoy my little guy I have also thought of some new ideas I want to explore. I feel very lucky to have such an amazing 2nd grade team that will push me even further as an educator.

I'm excited to start a new year which will hopefully bring collaboration, creativity, exploration, problem solving, innovation, laughter and overall FUN!